Jin Shang Restaurant
项目名称: 锦尚饭庄
项目面积: 约4200平方米
空间性质: 餐饮会所
设计小组: Y组
坐落位置: 河南商丘
主要建材: 印花地毯 奥松板雕花喷漆 热弯玻璃
设计时间: 2012年7月


Jin shang restaurant of the main Chinese high-end catering, positioning for the modern Chinese style design style. Blanc design thought, do not need too much rendering Chinese style design, the use of the elements and the integration of environmental space, such ability not abrupt, let people accept the design and appreciate the nature, intoxicated. Good atmosphere of front desk reception, inadvertently throughout the plum flower pattern, and the echo of the ink painting picture scroll, seems to calm heart, let a person get drunk.
标签: 餐饮会所设计商务会所设计中式餐厅设计高端会所设计方案
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