QingDao Dumpling Shop Design
项目名称: 山东青岛饺子店设计
项目面积: 450㎡
空间性质: 餐饮空间
设计小组: B组
坐落位置: 山东青岛
主要建材: 乳胶漆、壁纸、木挂板
设计时间: 2012年


Dumpling is a traditional northern flavor snack, with strong ethnic regional flavor. This case is for the original dining space design modification, using modern Chinese style design gimmick, make full use of space while retaining features of modern Chinese style, designer rather carefully conceived and designed to give a person the sense with natural and comfortable. Colour is one of the biggest restaurant design aspect, in the space with the colour of chair of black and white as a jump, fashion sense of be vividly portrayed.

标签: 饺子店设计现代中式餐厅设计餐饮会所设计
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