Sphere Of Mutton Soup
项目名称: 虢国羊肉汤中原万达店
项目面积: 350㎡
空间性质: 连锁餐饮
设计小组: H组
坐落位置: 河南郑州
主要建材: 木饰面板 玻璃 仿石纹砖
设计时间: 2011


Mutton soup as a traditional Chinese characteristics snacks, very popular; Sphere of mutton soup is new improved on the basis of traditional craft, taste better, more comprehensive nutrition. Zhongyuan wanda's flagship store as a sphere of mutton soup, try for the first time the concept of "the inn in inn", break traditional, expanding consumer groups, outstanding diet culture becomes the main restaurant design.

标签: 餐厅设计连锁餐饮店设计专业餐厅设计公司
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