时间:2020-03-18      类别:设计风尚      来源:www.021bolang.com      编辑:勃朗设计


How to put the cloud, a concrete and ethereal thing, into the space? Designers can give you a hundred answers. As a natural thing, clouds and light, and shadows, and different phenomena stack layer upon layer, thus showing a free shape; the imagination of nothingness rises with clouds, grows from thoughts, but is closer to the human heart. As a metaphor, cloud is more close to the original meaning than words. Today Zhengzhou restaurant decoration design company Blanc small edition brings you a creative sushi restaurant design case with cloud theme!





Asperatus has become the only new cloud species identified since 1951. Its iconic features are described as "the cloud bottom is granular and extremely rough; the wavy structure is extremely twisted into huge and irregular folds". This is the new image of sushi catering brand. The metal curved surface with random multi curved surface is as soft as paper, which has subtle reaction with light and simple manual texture.





In the whole sushi restaurant design, gold and wood, warm and cool, straight and curved, blend into the overall warmth in the space. The sushi bar is turned into a stage. The operation on the table is mapped to the performance. The green wave perforated plate is like a curtain, which brings rhythm in peace. From heavy to light, heavy metal is suspended in the indoor air, stacked layer by layer, but each still has breathing space. Although it is still, it seems to flow with the change of perspective.


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