时间:2019-12-25    类别:酒店资讯    来源:www.021bolang.com    编辑:勃朗设计

文章导读:该项目旨在将塞维利亚的一座建于19世纪的宫殿改造为一栋只有12个房间的精品酒店。场地本身的敏感性为建筑介入带来了一定的设计难度。 在地面层,既有的后院被移动到建筑的对称轴上,形成新的酒店公共空间,使整个建筑的通透感和连贯性得到加强。两个公共服务区域均以庭院为核心,既有的主空间保留了古典风格,新的空间则更具有现代感。下面就跟随郑州专业酒店设计公司勃朗设计小编一起来欣赏Mercer酒店改造设计方案!

The project aims to transform a 19th-century palace in Seville into a boutique hotel with only 12 rooms. The sensitivity of the site itself brings a certain degree of difficulty for the architectural intervention. On the ground floor, the existing backyard is moved to the symmetrical axis of the building to form a new public space, which makes the whole building more transparent and coherent. Both public service areas are centered on the courtyard. The existing main space retains the classical style, while the new space is more modern. 




酒店庭院上方的天窗上装饰着一个巨大的枝形吊灯。围绕在庭院周围的走廊使客人可以方便地进入酒店客房,同时与建筑既有的空间特征形成了完美融合。 另一个重要元素是酒店的屋顶,在改造后增设了小型泳池和休息区。酒店设计公司还负责了除室内设计之外的执行和完善工作。目前Mercer酒店已被Tripadvisor评为2018年西班牙最佳豪华酒店。

The skylight above the courtyard is decorated with a huge chandelier. The corridor around the courtyard makes it easy for guests to enter the hotel rooms, and at the same time, it is perfectly integrated with the existing spatial characteristics of the building. Another important element is the roof of the hotel. After the renovation, a small swimming pool and a rest area have been added. Cruz y Ortiz is also responsible for the execution and improvement of interior design. Mercer hotel has been rated as the best luxury hotel in Spain in 2018 by TripAdvisor.






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